Promoting Life Models and the Arts

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'What Our Members Say'

We welcome your feed-back:

Hello ANU,

Can you please remove the advert for Life Models at Swindon College, the role has now closed and I am pleased to say we had some great responses from Art Nude UK.

Best wishes. Sharron
Thank you for your help. I have already had two bookings one for 3 hours per week for approx 9 weeks for an artist who is restoring a work of art, he tells me I look just like the person in the painting. it's just a one to one so that's excellent. The other booking is for a small arts group.
Thank you again. Mick
Hi Alan,
I thought you might like a little feedback on the success of your site. I have to say that the site has been successful for me.

After a slow start I have had a number of assignments, a couple of which are now regulars and good friends to boot.

I found I had to do quite a bit of nude photographic work for individuals and clubs at first in order to break in so to speak, so it has been lucky I am not at all shy.

But that eventually led on to some proper artist work afterwards, both one to one and group work.

Thanks again, the opportunities from your site have been always interesting, mostly fun, sometimes challenging but always worthwhile.

Yvette - ANU N° 0397

Dear Alan.
As I was about to say last time,
I think you have done an extremely professional job in designing the new homepage, and I commend it.
I also commend the way you have presented my essay, I must provide contributions to the forum, and I look forward to your newsletters and to being "member of the month".
I hope this will attract more support from this part of the world.

So, I think you are doing a great job, and I hope I can play my part in promoting the success of Art Nude UK.

All the very best Kenneth - ANU N° 040
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Art Nude UK
Bringing life modelling and the arts world closer together all in one place!

Life models for artists
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